QHR Product Ideas

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Extra query criteria/output column: appointment provider

You can build a query with Appointment/provider, but you can't get the system to just list the appointment provider as a column in its output. There is no way to create a "Appointment provider exists" type line, and so no way to get this data item exported.
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
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    Alison Cooney commented
    August 26, 2020 18:15


    There is an Appointment Provider column output option in the Query Builder, for queries built around the Appointment category. (If you choose the "Patient Records Only" option, it will reduce your results to a single record per patient, thus hiding details.)

    You have two options for choosing what columns will display in your query output:

    • When creating your query, click the cogwheel icon under "Current Rules"; on the right under "Default Display Fields," double-click as appropriate to display or hide the available options. These are based on your set rules. Setting your preferences for display here will retain them each time you run your query.

    • Otherwise, ad hoc, when clicking the <Run Report> button, you can specify "Fields to Display" in the "Check for Alert Matches" window, the same as above, by double-clicking as appropriate to display or hide the available options.

    If you would like assistance with these workflows, please contact the service desk at 1-866-729-8889; a Client Services Analyst would be happy to help you.

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