QHR Product Ideas

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The schedular should be linked directly with the office and/or provider calendar. If something is in the provider callender as a note it needs to come up in the schedular as for information and/or warning or something to avoid double booking in office and out of office information.
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  • Jun 20 2016
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    Alison Cooney commented
    August 31, 2020 21:05


    If notes are set the provider calendar, then they display in the note section at the top of the scheduler (when in single day mode). If these do not display for you, you may need to enable calendar notes:

    • Accuro Menu > Search: Scheduler Management > Settings tab > Check: Show Calendar Notes

    This does not include notes set in the Office Calendar, but the free text space still exists at the top of each workday when in a full week view, when enabled.

    There is also a setting in the program called "Scheduled Providers" that can be enabled through Scheduler Management. Then the calendar function can be used to "Schedule" providers for their work days; in this way, when the scheduler is loaded, the only available options to book for will be those who are scheduled. It is in the same section as the workflow above, but check the "View Scheduled Providers" option. You will need to log out and back in again for the setting to take effect, and then you can use the Office Calendar to schedule providers.

    If you require assistance with any of these workflows, please contact the service desk at 1-866-729-8889; a Client Services analyst would be happy to help you.

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