QHR Product Ideas

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Colour Coded Clinical Notes

It would be great if notes were colour coded according to the template category similar to the way the you can create custom colours for appointments in the scheduler.
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  • Jun 20 2016
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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  • Tommy Gerschman commented
    2 Sep, 2020 12:23am

    This is a good idea. Or at least a neat little "tab" of colour on the side perhaps (rather than the whole field). Sort of like in the Scheduler you have a tab of colour for the appointment type.

  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    2 Sep, 2020 12:02am

    To clarify regarding this submission: Is this request referencing the EMR section? E.g. I would create a Template in the Template Wizard, assign it a color as with Appointment Types, then when a note is created from that template on a patient's chart, it is that color in the EMR?

  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    2 Sep, 2020 12:00am


    The settings on the Virtual Chart for color-coding are global, not user-specific. There is a submission for that: https://ideas.qhrtech.com/ideas/ACC-I-3338

  • Tara F commented
    15 May, 2020 09:40pm

    Does anyone know if you color code the virtual chart does it effect all users or just the one user?

    I would love to color code mine but others may not!

    it would be nice if this was a user preference!!

  • Kaela Hilderley commented
    18 Aug, 2016 03:25pm

    There is a way to do this on the Virtual Chart if that's where you're talking about. We have our MD/NP notes different colour than our IHP notes, Consult Reports, Diagnostic Reports, Labs etc.

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