QHR Product Ideas

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Add Additional Growth Charts

While speaking with a clinic we found that Paediatrics would find the options for additional Growth Charts (such as Pre-Term charts / Down Syndrome charts / and Turners charts ) quite valuable to have available, these would require coding within Accuro and will require a large enough demand for them to be made.
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Future Consideration
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    • Tom Lacroix commented
      February 12, 2022 18:52

      This would also be valuable for GMFCS growth charts for patients with CP and differing levels of mobility. We often get schools calling CAS because of a misconception that our wheelchair bound kids are "malnourished" when they are on the 50th percentile and tracking....

    • Lauren Romano commented
      March 16, 2021 04:46

      There are many growth charts available on the WHO website that are not included in Accuro EMR. Including ones for birth to 6 months as well.

      They can be found here: https://www.who.int/tools/child-growth-standards/standards/weight-for-age

    • Dianne Penzvalto commented
      March 12, 2019 16:40

      The Family Practice Physicians in our clinic would find these additional charts very helpful and the families of the children would appreciate following the growth of the Child. 

    • Guest commented
      May 19, 2017 15:26

      Quite shocked any medical records system doesn't have this.

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