QHR Product Ideas

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Appointment does not always equal claim

We have 6 schedules within our Accuro that allow us to create appointments for non billable service. (we are a FFS site) The creation of an appointment in these dummy providers is creating daily claims for every appointment made. Need to have the ability to some how mark these providers or appointment types as no charge or non billable. Reason for request change/implentation. Daily claims/unsubmitted claims is filling up with information that is not relevant. Cannot remove these dummy providers from the drop down in the billing area as removing them just hides the daily claims yet they are still being made. Time sink for someone just to go in and no charge them daily
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Released
  • Apr 6, 2020

    Admin response

    This has been addressed in Accuro build 2017.18.0.

    "No Charge" Providers
    Accuro has been updated to allow claims created for a specific provider to be automatically marked as "No Charge". This new setting is intended for non-billable services (e.g. Fee for Service, Shadow Billing, and Salary Provider). To mark a provider as "No Charge," in F2 (or Accuro start menu > Tools > Configure Providers) select the desired provider and then "Configure." In "Billing Details" or "Billing Options," check-off "Set new claims to No Charge" and then Next until Finish.

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    • Guest commented
      April 07, 2020 02:02


      Sent from my iPhone

    • Guest commented
      April 07, 2020 02:02


      Sent from my iPhone

    • Melanie Wigston commented
      May 03, 2019 17:33

      We have providers (nurse/pharmacist etc) who shadow bill to our Primary Care Network - it would be nice to be able to default those providers to a specific insurer (PCN) instead of the Government insurer so all claims created under their name have the correct insurer.

    • Daniel Moon commented
      September 08, 2017 18:34

      Alternatively for sites that are Salary Provider's etc. These sites WOULD need claims being created, but at the very least want the ability to have an F2 - Configure setting or similar for the provider that would automatically No Charge the claims from the appointments. 

    • Maria S commented
      May 21, 2017 20:57

      You can adjust this in the Manage Security, Template section.  Uncheck billing option.


      We also have "dummy schedules" for our conference rooms, so we can schedule classes, meetings etc, these do not require billings, so by setting up the schedule to not allow billing, we don't have to worry about any claims for these schedules.

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