QHR Product Ideas

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Editor save - Not an idea but an omission. Please vote to correct this omission!

This is a big problem. Every week this costs me notes on at least 3 patients. I have to put in the progress note "Computer lost note - cannot recall details" The problem is that if you exit Accuro or it times out, the program does NOT save any open editor windows. As a physician my records are of upmost importance. I frequently will start typing a note and something comes along such as a phone call, interruption from staff, or an emergency. I have to leave my computer. The program "times out" and my open editor note is lost. If you exit accuro, you are asked are you sure you want to exit Accuro, and if you choose yes, you also lose open notes. Yes, if you try to close an editor window, you are prompted to save your note, but not if you close Accuro itself. I submit that this is a bug/oversite. Although Accuro may not have intended to include this feature, it is standard windows behavior to offer to save any open windows, and Accuro does not do this. This is unsafe in regards to my medical records and leads to ongoing data loss. I have been told that standard windows behavior is in fact Microsoft behavior (rather than standard Windows behavior) and many programs do not follow the Microsoft standard. As far as I'm concerned, Microsoft is Windows and even if not all programs are "standard" in my opinion programs should try to follow the Microsoft standard, particularly when the alternative leads to data loss. I would appreciate your vote on this subject as I have been unsuccessful in trying to show that this is in fact a bug. If not a bug, it is certainly a major omission!
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Released
  • Attach files
  • +14