QHR Product Ideas

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Allow multiple template suggestions to be selected in Find Next Appointment

Currently, if you select to search for an appointment in the Find Next Appointment screen by template suggestion, you can only search by one suggestion. One of the clinics I support uses 3 different template suggestions for appointment slots ("Open" for any appointment, "Physical" for physicals but can be booked for any appointment if the rest of the day is full, and "Acute" for short appointment slots). The inability to search by multiple template suggestions renders this functionality almost useless for clinics who use multiple template suggestions to represent available time slots.
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Released
  • Feb 27, 2020

    Admin response

    When using the tool for Find Next Appointment you can search for more than one template if you set up "Suggestion Groups". Suggestion groups are managed in Scheduler Management:

    1. In the Accuro Menu, under Scheduler select "Scheduler Management"

    2. Click into the Suggestions tab

    3. At the bottom of this tab, there is a box for Suggestion Groups, click the Add button to add a new group

    4. You can create a single group with all suggestion types, or create multiple groups for categorized suggestion types - enter the group name based on your preferences

    5. Then press 'Apply' to save the group

    6. Now, click on the group you just added and select the Add button in the box labelled "Suggestions for your group name"

    7. In this window, you can use CTRL to click on all suggestions you wish to include

    8. Click 'Apply' again to save

    9. Now, when using Find Next Appointment there is a group option in the dropdown for Template Suggestion