QHR Product Ideas

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"Relation" in Family History needs to be searchable or returned as data with searches (Query Alerts) to be clincially useful. This is not an idea as much as a basic requirement of Core Data Set elements and meaningful EMR

You have diligently coded FHx of prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and chosen from the Relation pick list in Accuro which relative it affects. Now, years into use, you are ready to ask a clinically useful question: Which of my patients with a 1st degree relative with colon cancer has NOT had a colonscopy? Similarly one can ask the same type of 1st degree Realtion question about breast and prostate cancer. Meaningful output should not include all Relations. The product as it exists does NOT search for , nor return, Relation criteria. The searches run then return all Relations affected by a data entry and one must open each chart to ascertain if the Realtion is 1st degree (relevant) or other relation (not as relevant). Workarounds abound but this is a real head scratcher as to product specific structured entry data that is NOT searchable and needs to be. No workaround should be needed here. Please close the loop on programming for Accuro structured entry fields and searches. Thank you
  • Stephen McLaren
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Needs Review
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