QHR Product Ideas

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Syncable calendar!

I currently have my MOA maintain my accuro schedule AND a google calendar where I have personal things scheduled along with work. Accuro should support exporting or syncing of it's provider schedules to other applications such as outlook or google cal (or iCal) so we can plan our lives without maintaining dual calendars. Ideally only the appointment type or location would be exported, not the patient information.
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Already Exists
  • Mar 2, 2017

    Admin response

    We offer a one way calendar export (ical format) that you can use to export appointments to calendars that support ical (Outlook, Google, etc).  No patient information is include in the export due to privacy reasons, but basic appointment information is available.  

    The User Guide provides instruction on setting this up: http://services.optimedsoftware.com/Manual/2016.02/6970.htm

    Our Client Services Team can assist.  I have opened a case for them to reach out to you.

  • Attach files
  • Chris Armstrong commented
    February 26, 2021 19:53

    I've tried to set this up but the it won't accept my Accuro login. I reached out to support and was then informed this feature is not available. is this accurate? It would be awesome to have this feature as it would save my MOA and I from maintaining two different calendars.

  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    August 10, 2020 16:08

    Hi Sara! You'll find the updated article (and user guide) here: http://services.optimedsoftware.com/Manual/2017/index.htm#t=6970.htm

  • Guest commented
    August 10, 2020 15:33

    The link provided is not working, is there an updated link?


  • Lawrence Chow commented
    November 13, 2019 06:32

    This does not work for google calendar because of the need for a username/password authentication. I would like to suggest making a ical link that does not require a password so it can be used in any calendar app (not only apple ical and outlook). This would be a huge help for me. Thanks. 

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