QHR Product Ideas

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Historical Prescriptions should display all prescriptions written for patient.

I have trouble finding a previously prescribed drug on a patient several times a week. There are instances when a script will display under Recently Active Prescriptions or under Active Prescriptions and not under Historical Prescriptions, forcing me to search in multiple different fields for the one script. That is confusing and a time waster. There are also instances of previous prescribed medications completely vanishing from my list, not to be found under any category. That is dangerous. I am proposing that Accuro catalogue all prescriptions ever written under Historical Prescriptions, even the currently active ones. It would make it far easier to search and allow for those who wish to stop displaying Recently Active Rx to keep the interface clean. Accuro should also display all cancelled and deleted prescriptions (with proper notation on the status) so we don't have prescriptions simply disappear because it was possibly cancelled (accidentally or on purpose)
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Needs Review
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