QHR Product Ideas

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Make example physian and patient diffrent names

In form editor, when placeholders are used for physician and patient, they both appear as John Smith, this makes it hard to look at a form in the editor to verify the correct components are used. Might I suggest John Doctor and John Patient? As well, if making a change in this area, when query is inserted for Physician Identifier, the placeholder is too long. "Ex. Identifier #1" this is much too long a placeholder for something that will likely contain "Dr." Ex.ID#1 would be fine or just ID#1
  • Agassiz Medical Centre
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Released
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      June 07, 2019 21:03

      This feature was made available in 2017.01.761
      "Each first name and last name type Component in Form Editor now has a unique display name. To access the Form Editor, click the Accuro Menu button > type Form Editor in the Search field and select from the list displayed."

    • +14