QHR Product Ideas

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Copy Demographics w/o Health Card Number and DOB in F6

When using F6 (new patient) you can search for a family member of a patient and copy the demographics to the new patient. This reduces entry time for the new patient as the complete address Phone number etc are all pre-populated from the family member's chart. The Health card number AND the date of Birth is also pre-populated into the new patient's chart. (I don't understand the purpose of pulling these informations over) In Ontario the Health Card number is UNIQUE for each patient and the date of birth is NEVER the same (unless you are entering twins) any where. Although using the copy demographic function in F6 is great when entering multiple family members, if the front staff do not change the DOB and Health Card number other issues that arise going forward.
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Released
  • Jul 4, 2016

    Admin response

    When copying a patient in the New Patient (F6) window, you will now be prompted to choose which demographics you wish to copy over.

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