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More shortcut keys for billing

Appreciate the shortcut keys that currently exist but my shoulder is constantly sore from all the mouse work. It would be so much quicker to do billing using all shortcut keys, and my shoulder would be happier :)

  • patricia martens
  • Jul 14 2016
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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  • patricia martens commented
    August 12, 2016 00:16

    I am quite often required to add a comment in the MSP notes field.  The ability to jump down to that field with a quick key would be helpful.

  • patricia martens commented
    July 26, 2016 00:13

    Yes, I currently use all the shortcut keys that I know are possible, including alt-F4 to close windows, but F3 doesn't allow you to read any chart details, it just gets you into the window so I still have to go back to the mouse to select and open the chart I'm looking to bill.  It's more efficient to double click on the selected name from the daysheet which takes you into the virtual chart, then double click on the correct chart file.  That's why I'm suggesting the ability to use arrows or tab and enter keys to move around within the virtual chart and the daysheet.  With this capability, users could move around within each window without going to the mouse. For example, if I could click or arrow down to the next name in the daysheet, then F3 to open the virtual chart and arrow down to the correct chart and enter to view it, this would eliminate some back and forth to the mouse.  If you have some other ideas of how I could move around without the mouse I'd be happy to hear them.  I already invested in a special compact keyboard to minimize the distance between the keys and the mouse but it only helps a little.

  • Admin
    Shelley Hughes commented
    July 25, 2016 16:22

    Thank you for the clarification.  Have you used the F3 key to bring up Virtual Chart from the Daily Claims? You could work on the claim and press F3 to bring up the Virtual Chart to see what needs to be billed.

  • patricia martens commented
    July 22, 2016 23:30

    Shortcut to daily claims and virtual chart and the ability to move around within these screens by "arrow" and "enter" would eliminate a lot of mouse work.  Currently I'm jumping back and forth between daily claims and virtual chart, quickly memorizing everything from the chart that needs to be billed and then re-clicking on daily claims, find the correct patient then enter the claim.  If I could bring up a billing window while in virtual chart I could be looking at both at the same time, or at least if a quick key could take me directly to the patient's claim.  I could use F4 but still need to use the mouse to right click to select a claim to edit.  Ideally, a quick key that opens a claim for the date of the chart that I'm looking at would be easiest. 

  • Admin
    Shelley Hughes commented
    July 22, 2016 22:57

    Could you give me some examples of shortcuts that you would like to see?