QHR Product Ideas

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Mass Deletion

Today I accidentally deleted a fax. To get the fax back, I had to reload all the deleted faxes from the past 1.5 years and now I must delete them one by one (and there are 1636 of them) as accuro has no mass deletion function in documents. It would be lovely if we were able to view documents in a list view, no pictures on the side, and select them for mass deletion (including being able to select all, and subsequently deselecting what we want to keep, or holding crtl/shift down to select a couple here and a couple there.) This would save a lot of time and energy.  

  • Guest
  • Aug 24 2016
  • Already Exists
  • Oct 26, 2020

    Admin response

    There are a couple ways to do this:

    1. If you only have a few documents to delete, from the Thumbnail preview on the left of the Documents screen you can hold your CTRL key on your keyboard to select multiple items. Then, right-click and delete. If you want to permanently delete these documents you might want to temporarily turn off the setting Do Not Permanently Delete Documents

    2. Alternately, like the comment states, you can navigate to the folder that contains all your documents on your computer or through Windows Explorer in the Citrix portal and mass delete here as well. Just like you would through any folder on your computer.

  • Attach files
  • Andrew Levstein commented
    August 25, 2016 02:13

    You can do this by browsing to the fax folder in Windows (Outside of Accuro).  If you are on the ASP, this can usually be found in the S: (shared folder).  On a local server, this can usually be found in a folder called Ready for Accuro.

    In Windows, you can highlight all of the faxes, and press CTRL + A to select all, then press delete on your keyboard, which will delete all of the faxes at once.

    Hope this helps!
