QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

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Additional appointment time intervals

For scheduling, it'd be nice to choose a time interval other than 5 min blocks. For example, I need to slot 2 follow-ups every 15 min. As it is now, with 5 minute blocks, there are 3 spots every 15 min, so people accidentally book 3 follow-ups every 15 min. If the minimum time block were 7.5 min that would not happen.

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  • Aug 31 2016
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    Lauren Romano commented
    December 08, 2020 00:10

    Accuro has 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minute time intervals available, but not 7.5 mins.

    Utilizing Templates is a great suggestion to achieve the desired workflow. Apply the follow-up template to :00 and :05, then at the :10 time slot apply a BLOCK template.

    Alternatively you could try a double booking column. Keep your schedule at 15 minute intervals but use a second column to place 2 patients in each 15 minute time slot.

  • Andrew Levstein commented
    September 01, 2016 03:20

    An easy workaround is that you can template your schedule to block the third slot in each 15 minute block.  This would ensure only 2 appointments are booked every 15 minutes, and your schedule would only be off by 2.5 minutes, resetting every 15 minutes.