QHR Product Ideas

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We need a way to easily discontinue a prescription-one click selection

At present it is awkward to send a message to a pharmacy to do this. You cannot send a prescription without putting in a minimal dose and I worry that this might be misread and the prescription continued. An option button to discontinue would be very helpful.

  • Guest
  • Mar 2 2017
  • Already Exists
  • Apr 1, 2017

    Admin response

    Thanks for the Idea. Pleased to say that you are able to discontinue a medication and fax the discontinue notice to the pharmacy.  Here's a video that shows you how:


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  • Guest commented
    April 01, 2017 00:36

    Thanks for your reply. After my message one of my colleagues showed me this. However, of the 5 of us in our practice, he was the only one who was aware of this.
    To me this means that this extremely important function should be easier to notice on the main prescriptions screen.
    This is so important bec the pharmacy may well have repeats of any particular medication which will be re-supplied by them the next time the patient goes for his renewals while we think the med'n has been d/c'd and the patient may even have been prescribed another medication which may interact badly with the one which was d/c'd.

    Erle Kirby