QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

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Interface with WebCams for the purpose of patient records and images of injuries

For the purposes of tracking injures, infections, etc.  A picture of said injury/infection, is significantly more useful to continuing care than a text description.  

This also allows other Physicians to see the injury as it originally looked, without having to consult the original Physician. 

For tracking of healing, progression, etc, a series of images would be immensely helpful for chronic or ongoing patients.  

Also for Workers Compensation, or other provincial equivalents, an image has more worth than a basic text description.  

Additionally, some public clinics may find it useful to attach a headshot of the patient to the patient records, for tracking or security purposes.  

Due to security/privacy concerns around Mobile Devices, phone cameras, digital cameras etc. those would be difficult to approve for use due to their mobile, and in some cases, unencryptable nature. 

However, a basic HD webcam, with a direct USB connection to the computer, has no storage, and so would not be a potential privacy threat.  Also, a standard HD Webcam is very affordable.  

Accuro has already interfaced with various USB devices, and some modern Webcam models operate without specialized software, and instead use a standard interface.  

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  • Mar 15 2017
  • Needs Review
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