QHR Product Ideas

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adding more provider lines in Patient Demographics

In the Specialist Office, we see patients based on referrals from the GP or other specialist. Sometimes the patient has multiple GP's and we need to send consult letters to multiple doctors. Sometimes, the patient changes his/her family doctors several times.  In order to keep track of those changes,  I suggest that we should be able to add more provider lines in patient demographics tab. 

  • Guest
  • Apr 10 2017
  • Already Exists
  • Apr 10, 2017

    Admin response

    You are able to add additional Providers in the Manually Added Providers section of the Patient section and the Providers Tab. These additional providers can be included on generated letters the same way the Family and Referring Provider can be added.

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    • Guest commented
      April 10, 2017 21:58

      Thanks,  I already know that.  But it is more convenient to see the doctor list at the same tab, rather than go to the last tab for provider.  Sometime, it is easy to forget to check the last lab.  I would appreciate it if we have the option of moving the manually adding provider to the area below the family doctor area.  It is just the same as we are able to move email from the 2nd tab to the 1st tab.  Thanks.