QHR Product Ideas

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For Ontario Allow import of MOHLTC dispensed medication list from the Digital Health Drug Repository (DHDR)

Huge time saver if we could import the medications the patient is on from this provincial database of dispensed drugs for patients over 65 and anyone on Ontario Drug Benefit plan.

This is also an accurate history of actual drugs dispensed which is invaluable in dealing with the prescribed narcotic problem.

Please note that this just became available in Connecting Ontario and has long been available to hospitals.

This is also known as the Publicly Funded Drugs and Pharmacy Services and Monitored Drugs.

  • Arthur Grabowski
  • Jun 30 2017
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Peggy Beauchamp commented
      May 08, 2024 11:49

      Yes please! We should at least be able to PDF the DHDR search results and direct upload to virtual chart. Also...would be nice to save our default search date range and not be limited to 120 days or all time. Or add more default date ranges to choose like 6 months and a year.

      Clipboard should be under external meds not active meds.

      Please save my login to Connecting Ontario so I don't have to enter it every time.

    • Milan Patel commented
      May 26, 2023 14:44

      Now that DHDR import is avaible on Accuro, I hope you will work on a direct import feature. "Printing" the list in an EMR environment does not make sense. Also, the clipboard sits under "active medications" but it maks more sense to be beside "external medications".