QHR Product Ideas

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generate a task list from referrals, labs and diagnostics sent to reconcile with results

It will be good to have a list of referrals sent to track after a month or so for appointments. currently we have to manually create a task. also if this feature can be added to some of the lab and diagnostic requisitions so that we can re-concile them with their results. This is a feature available in some of the other EMRs such as nightingale, etc. CMPA advises us to use this feature. 

  • Guest
  • Jan 13 2018
  • Needs Review
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2018 01:33

      Reconciliation should really be automatic in regard to referrals, requisitions, labs, etc when received back and labelled properly by the EMR. 

    • Andrew Levstein commented
      January 17, 2018 18:20

      This feature already exists, it is called "Outstanding Referrals, Requisitions and Orders".  You can add a quick action button to access it quickly.