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add category type medical record - notes when tasks attachment option is open

This option is going to be useful to search attachments with medical records and notes. Lot of times clinics have a really long section with different document types. When they try to add an attachment they need to go over every single medical report type. It should be easier to search by medical records - notes.

  • Guest
  • Feb 27 2018
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest commented
      February 28, 2018 22:44


      This is absolutely essential to sending well written referrals that specialists will appreciate.

      This is also a gap in Accuro.  If something comes into the system as a document, it is readily searchable when trying to attach.  However when something comes in as a lab (as is the case for the entire hospital interface with both Hotel Dieu Hospital and Kingston General Hospital here in Kingston Ontario (which serve the entire Southeast LHIN).  Accuto charges 25$ per month for this interface but it doesn't operate properly with the EMR.


      Interestingly, the interface with Accuro and the Ottawa Hospitals is just fine.  These documents come in as labs and then are programmed automatically to be treated as documents.  I feel this is simply something that needs to be fixed for the SE LHIN region that interfaces with KGH/HDH rather than a new idea per se.