QHR Product Ideas

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CCM Query Outstanding indicators

To properly bill CCM billings from CDM forms the queries have to be very complex. I haven't talked to anyone who thought the ones QHR built are accurate or correct. 

One feature in query builder that would improve our quality of bill submission and finding people with chronic disease would be to be able to query how many outstanding items they have in a CDM worksheet. This would give us an idea on completeness and we could set our threshold to something like we will bill if it's 85% complete or more. Example find patients with diabetes CDM form that have 2 or less outstanding indicators. We would bill these if they meet the other criteria such as appointment date and enrollment provider. 


If QHR wanted to go the extra mile, using the instance function to find exact instances of worksheets and not Equal to or less than as it is currently. Example CDM forms instances 3, will return patients with 3, 2 or 1 forms. We need to bill on patients that have 3 exactly, or 4 exactly.

  • Agassiz Medical Centre
  • Apr 11 2018
  • Needs Review
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