QHR Product Ideas

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when booking appointments for family to have access to add other family members without having to input address and phone number numerous times.

Sometimes we book appointments for family members, when you have a busy clinic day it is an inconvenience.  The family would be either in front of reception or registering over the phone to schedule appointments, which takes a lot of time and an inconvenience for registered patients, who want to check in.

  • Guest
  • May 31 2018
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  • Lauren Romano commented
    December 14, 2020 22:55

    You can copy the patient's address to a new patient record if you add your new patients through the F6 shortcut.

    1. Add the first patient to Accuro however you would like. Then, tap F6 on your keyboard and start typing in the last name and first name of the patient who you just added.

    2. Click on their name from the search results and you are prompted to copy details from that patient. You can choose Birthdate, Healthcard and First name if you wish, but all you need to press is Copy Demographics.

    3. This pulls the last name, phone numbers, email and address for the patient you just entered. You then only need to enter their first name, and edit any details that are not identical to the patient you copied.

    In BC and Ontario you can also add patient's with a card swipe machine.