QHR Product Ideas

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The ability to search for a patient by first name

Sometimes a patient leaves a message and you can only make out the first name and maybe the first letter of the last name, and the phone number doesn't match what is in the EMR.  it's in our head that we know the patient but can't remember the last name.  Sometimes it's the spelling of the last name that is totally different than conventional spelling. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 5 2018
  • Already Exists
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  • Admin
    Shelley Hughes commented
    July 12, 2018 22:57

    You can also use the % as a wildcard if you don't now the exact spelling but vaguely recall the name. 

    For example:

    D%, John

    This will find all patients named John with a last name starting with a D.

  • Janet Roy (Baker) commented
    June 22, 2018 16:41

    In the scheduler screen, clear the name (F1) then enter , (comma) followed by the first name. That should work

  • Guest commented
    June 06, 2018 13:27

    That's weird.  It does work now.  We were told by our trainer that we couldn't search by first names and when we tried before it didn't work.  Thank you to the 'guest'!!

  • Guest commented
    June 06, 2018 13:05

    This is possible. In the "patients" tab, if you clear it, you can search by the first name at the top of the screen.