QHR Product Ideas

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Option to select site and edit remark when creating a bill from a query

Hello, I do a lot of billing for clinics for chronic disease management in Manitoba. To bill high volumes of claims, I use query builder. When creating claims from a query, I have the options to choose provider, insurer, date, PCODE & DCODE. However for Asthma claims, an edit remark needs to be added as well. So for each individual asthma chronic disease claim, I have to go back to the claims section and add a remark in each claim ONE by ONE. Which actually defeats the purpose of mass billing using a query. Not to mention, there are usually between 100-200 claims per physician on average that I need to do this for. It would be great if the option to add a remark could be added to the query builder "create bill" section.

Secondly, there are many offices that have more than one site. When running the query I am in the correct site I am billing for. However, when I create bills from the query I don't have an option to select a site. When I create all of the bills, in the claim section they're sitting in no mans land and will not be submitted to MB Health unless a site is attached. Billing from the query doesn't automatically attach the site I am billing from. I have to one by one on each claim, double click to open-and then choose the site. If you could imagine the thousands of claims that I have billed per physician, and then to have to go in one by one to each of them. This on top of the edit remark will make me check into a mental institute soon. I will literally lose my mind if this doesn't get resolved! So for my sanity and mental health I BEG! BEG! BEG! you to make this happen for me.



  • Guest
  • Nov 5 2018
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • Amanda Shadlock commented
    September 21, 2021 14:40

    We are trying to have all our offices use the Site and filter on their claims to prevent submitting claims for providers that work in multiple offices. For bills created by query builder they are manually going and changing the site on every bill. What is written above is an exact description of our issue the clinics are currently facing.