QHR Product Ideas

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Ability To Configure Which Roles Appear As Options When Selecting a Role For Global Messages.

When creating a Global Message for patients, you have the option to select a Role to assign the Message to. Custom Roles can only be deleted entirely, in order to not display as options to assign the Global Message to, and hard coded Roles currently always display.

If hard coded Roles are not in use, or custom Roles are not meant to be receiving Global messages, could there be a way to configure which Roles display as options, for which Roles Users are wanting to assign Global Messages to?


Workflow for Role Options In Question: 
Patients section > Load patient > Other tab > Green Plus beside 'Global Message' > Select desired role - could there be a way to configure which Roles display as options here?

  • Guest
  • Nov 13 2018
  • Released
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      Alison Cooney commented
      June 07, 2019 21:07

      This feature was added in 2017.01.766.
      "In the Global Message section (Patients > Other tab) and the Audit Log section (Start Menu button > search Audit Logs) roles are now sorted alphabetically for both the active and inactive roles (active roles are displayed above inactive roles)."