QHR Product Ideas

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Merge Providers in Address Book

says this was completed but i do not have a merge button in my address book please consider adding this feature.


Thank you 

  • Guest
  • Nov 27 2018
  • Already Exists
  • Feb 25, 2020

    Admin response

    The ability to Merge Providers in the Accuro Address Book is restricted to those users that have Feature Access Permission to Merge.

    To give access:

    1. Log in as a Systems Administrator

    2. Go to Users, Manage Security, Feature Access

    3. Select the Role or User that should have access then click in the checkmark field for "Merge Providers" under the Administration heading.

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    • Lauren Romano commented
      February 25, 2020 01:18

      Not all offices want the ability to allow their users to merge providers in the address book. We added this permission as a Feature Access to allow each office to choose if they wish to provide this access to their users or not.

    • Guest commented
      December 06, 2018 19:53
      • Shelley Hughes commented
        December 5, 2018 20:10

        The ability to Merge Providers in the Accuro Address Book is restricted to those users that have Feature Access Permission to Merge. 

        To give access:

        1. Log in as a Systems Administrator
        2. Go to Users, Manage Security, Feature Access
        3. Select the Role or User that should have access then click in the checkmark field for "Merge Providers" under the Administration heading.
      • Guest commented
        December 6, 2018 19:52

        why do you need permission to merge 


        im not deleting a doctor?  please explain reasoning thank you