QHR Product Ideas

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Please allow searching patient via email address

When answering support emails patients often do not give their full names, to find the file of that patient emailing into the clinic it would be great to be able to search via email

  • Guest
  • Dec 7 2018
  • Gathering Your Feedback
  • Attach files
  • Teri Zucht commented
    13 Jun 17:08

    This would be a huge help in the current environment of virtual care! Patient's have all sorts of crazy email addresses that do not identify them. This would be a huge improvement in efficiency to not have to email back to confirm identity each time we get a strange one!

  • Guest commented
    November 17, 2022 20:46

    Oh our entire office would vote for this a 100 times if we could. As paediatricians we are almost always speaking with their guardians....who of course think we automatically know who they are about in their emails.

    Please, please, please vote for this one!

  • Alanna Walsh commented
    July 26, 2022 22:51

    Email address search would be a huge help! We communicate primarily through email and patients often just leave their 1st name when signing email

  • Guest commented
    June 28, 2022 15:27

    This would be a very helpful feature!

  • Marissa Cameron commented
    June 27, 2022 20:02

    We can search with PHN, name or phone number. Please let us search by using their email address.