QHR Product Ideas

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Allow the ability to collapse/hide CPP from "Encounter View" window

When I use the "Quick Patient Actions" window it ends up duplicating what shows up on the side of the Encounter View. I would prefer to be able to hide the CPP in the Encounter View so I have more space on my screen for other things since there is no advantage in having them show up twice, next to each other.

  • Dahlia Balaban
  • Dec 23 2018
  • Already Exists
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    • Dahlia Balaban commented
      September 30, 2020 02:07

      I see that it's possible to hide the contents of the medical history bands and that you can resize the CPP in the Encounter View, but there is still no way to remove the CPP from the encounter view. I tried to make it as small as possible but it won't take it away completely.

    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      September 29, 2020 20:58


      With the introduction of collapsible Medical History bands, these fields can now also be collapsed in CTRL+F10 (Quick Patient Actions).

      Ensure you have the user preferences to "Remember Collapsed State of Medical History Bands" enabled (Accuro Menu > File > User Preferences > Display > EMR Workflow).

      Additionally, if you re-size the window, you can hide their display altogether, and Accuro will remember your sizing preferences.