QHR Product Ideas

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Add patient location/room number (from Traffic Manager) to the top demographic bar

Office staff, esp MD, would benefit from this addition because she/he could see at a glance which room the patient is in.  This would save MD the time of having to open traffic manager prior to each patient interaction.

  • Aaron Sehn
  • Feb 12 2019
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      August 21, 2020 19:00

      Hi Aaron,

      The statuses and abbreviations should display by default in the "Time" column. It might be that your Traffic Manager rooms have not been configured to have associated abbreviations.

      Accuro Menu > Search: Manage Rooms > Select room > Pencil icon > Input an abbreviation > <OK>
      You may need to close and relaunch Accuro for the changes to take hold.

      For the icon, if one is assigned (via the same workflow above), then you can enable the column display on the Day Sheet: EMR > Day Sheet > Column Picker (above scrollbar) > Enable: Room Icon

      I hope that helps! If you require further assistance with these steps, please contact the Service Desk at 1-866-729-8889; a Client Services Analyst would be happy to assist you.

    • Aaron Sehn commented
      August 21, 2020 18:38

      This could be a helpful alternative, however, these room numbers do not display on our day sheet. Is there a way to add this feature for our clinic?

    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      August 21, 2020 17:24

      Thank you for your submission!

      As an at-a-glance alternative, the physician's Day Sheet displays the patient's status and room number (or icon),without having to navigate away from the EMR. It also displays on the Appointment History in the Encounter Notes section.