QHR Product Ideas

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Search by telephone number

This would be extremely helpful as people leave their phone number and last name but not always do they spell the last name.... but the telephone number is always distinguishable... It would save a lot of time

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2019
  • Already Exists
  • Feb 19, 2020

    Admin response

    You can search by phone number in any patient search field by using only the 7 digit number (drop the area code).

    example: 555-1234

    You must also use the dash between the first 3 and last 4 numbers. Press Enter if you do not immediately see any search results after typing in the 7 digit number for the patient.

  • Attach files
  • Tracy Evjen commented
    March 06, 2019 17:58

    you can even do birthday mm-dd-year, so helpful!! Same with phone numbers- if you have call display you can punch in the phone number and you can have patient loaded before you get their name.  When you start a search in the search bar there is little wheels in the upper right corner and you can edit your search preferences

  • Andrew Levstein commented
    March 01, 2019 12:53

    This already exists, you can search by phone number by typing the 7 digit number (without area code) into a search box, in this format xxx-xxxx
