QHR Product Ideas

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Virtual Chart- file folders for pregnancies

As a midwife, We create charts for women who may miscarry or come back into care for multiple pregnancies. We care for our clients from the time they are pregnant to 6 weeks after the baby is born (approx. 11months). Our practice uses Antenatal forms and we are repeating the same blood work, ultrasounds, etc in each pregnancy; this means our charts get messy and confusing over many different pregnancies. 

I am hoping that Accuro can create a way to callapse one pregnancy into a file folder in the virtual chart section. This means we would be able to keep all notes, tasks, documents, forms, letters, labs specific to that pregnancy in one collapsible file and keep a current one open.

We are currently running into trouble where pushed labs are getting matched with previous charts (we create a new person and file number every time someone is pregnant and we identify "previous" for an old chart... ex: Smith (previous), Jane)… that's not tricking the system :(

  • Guest
  • Mar 7 2019
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • Jenna Chownick commented
    May 23, 2023 16:41

    Just commenting again to hopefully push this idea up.

  • Madison Thompson commented
    March 09, 2023 20:23

    Compressed charts would help make my life simpler and it would look less busy and overwhelming.

  • Theresa Barrett commented
    March 21, 2022 18:13

    If you can provide this, it would be ideal. I have clients coming back for each of their pregnancies. The encounter notes and virtual chart looks long and busy.