QHR Product Ideas

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Patient Search Results by Provider

When searching for patients in the scheduler it would be helpful to be able to narrow the search results to a specific provider as there are many patients that have similar names that see different doctors.

  • Guest
  • Jul 8 2019
  • Already Exists
  • Sep 21, 2020

    Admin response

    The setting mentioned in the comments only shows you patients that have ANY office provider. Unless you are logged in as a Provider user.

    If you do want to enable the setting, a System Admin must go into Users > Manage Security > Offices > Preferences and check the box for the setting Office Provider Filtered Patient Searches and save the settings.

    However what might be more helpful rather than filtering out patients without an office provider, would be to display who the office provider is for each patient in the search results. To do this:

    1. Begin searching for any patient in the Scheduler or EMR sections of Accuro

    2. Before selecting a patient, click the Cog Wheel button in the top right of the search results window

    3. The Search Preferences window opens

    4. Click on the Patient in the search types on the left

    5. Then select Office Provider from the fields to display on the right

    6. Press OK to save.

    7. You'll now see Office Provider as a column in the search results to help differentiate which patient you are looking for

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  • Guest commented
    July 15, 2019 20:09

    I believe there is a setting available under the Office Settings in Manager Security, under the Preferences Tab. You can check off Office Provider Filtered Patient search, and that will only list the patients that have the particular provider listed as their office provider