QHR Product Ideas

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Patients flags to show up on the daysheet or on scheduler instead of clicking and choosing each patient

When a patient is entered into EMR, system shows different colour so the client when looking at a day sheet can see which patient have been scanned and which needs to be scanned

  • Guest
  • Nov 14 2019
  • Needs Clarity
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    • Lauren Romano commented
      September 21, 2020 21:15

      Hi, thank you for your idea. I am hoping that you can elaborate for us here.

      We do currently have appointment statuses, these are typically applied to an appointment on the Scheduler when a patient arrives, and the indicator displays on both the Scheduler and the EMR Daysheet.

      Patients can also have individual flags attached to their patient record. Or a status can be set which changes the colour of the patient's name on the status bar. Is this what you are referring to?

      Additionally, if the provider needs an indicator on the EMR daysheet that they have seen or reviewed a patient - there are a few ways to do this. Appointment Statuses can be customized and applied from the EMR Daysheet, Stars could be used to flag an individual visit and built-in indicators appear on the EMR Daysheet when a note is added to the Encounter Notes.

      Let us know if any of these get close to what you are looking for, or provide further examples if we've missed the mark. Thanks!