QHR Product Ideas

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Editing individual document titles when filing

Would be a good idea if you could edit a document title once it has been filed.  For example...if there are several labs filed, if would be good if you could leave the document type as labs but then add something afterwards ..... Labs - ???  , whatever you need to add.  This would have to be able to be done in individual charts as not all patients would need more details.  This would be good for any document type created.

  • Guest
  • Feb 14 2020
  • Already Exists
  • Feb 19, 2020

    Admin response

    Rather than editing a document type after a document has been filed to a patient chart, we recommend one of 2 options:

    1. Use the document Description field. Free text can be entered into the document description field before filing the document in the field for 'Description", or once the document is on the chart by opening the document and again typing into the "Description" field. The description is visible when viewing the Virtual Chart in the Notes column, and also searchable in the Virtual Chart search or a Query

    2. Enable document Sub-Types. There is a System Setting that a System Administrator can enable so that Document Sub-Types are available when filing documents to a patient chart. Sub-Types are then setup to be linked to specific Document Types and will display in a separate column in the Virtual Chart. Sub-Types are available to all patients and consist of a list managed by you.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 14, 2020 20:00

    This can be done by adding in a document sub-type , or by free typing in the "description" box, either when filing from the documents section, or after the document is in the chart.