QHR Product Ideas

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when selecting providers for submissions

It would be nice if there was a drop box to select which providers you want to submit for. Right now you have to select "ALL" or each individual provider to submit.

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  • Apr 17 2020
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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    • Lauren Romano commented
      April 20, 2020 22:08

      As you mentioned there currently isn't a way to multi-select the providers from your Claims section - it is one provider or ALL. However, there is the notion of "Provider Groups" that may help you.

      If you commonly want to select the same subset of Providers for a submission you can add them to a group:

      1. Press F2 to go to Provider Management

      2. Select one Provider in the list, and click 'Configure'

      3. On the Provider Details screen of the Provider Wizard in the "Groups" section in the middle of the screen, click the add button to add a group. You may need to Manage this list to first create the group(s) you would like to select from

      4. Once you've managed all groups that you need select one group and press OK to add it to this Provider's configuration

      5. Press 'Next' until you get to the end of the Wizard, then press 'Finish'

      6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until you've added the appropriate group(s) to all Providers

      7. Now, in the Claims section, in addition to All and the individual Providers to select from, you will see your groups you can choose. This will display only claims for the providers who are part of the selected group.

      Note - this would only really work for those sites that have a consistent subset of provider's they wish to submit claims for.