QHR Product Ideas

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Wait List - Make Wait List Configuration a USER setting instead of a GLOBAL setting

(Accessed from the Tools menu in the Waitlist > Wait List Configuration)

Different users use the Wait List differently. Being able to set individual preferences according to what you are doing in the wait list would save thousands of clicks.

ie; Doctor adding surgeries to wait list can set their defaults to the Surgical Tab, and their status to Waiting.

Clinic staff adding consults can set their default to Consult tab, Type to Consult and Status to Waiting instead of having to select these every single time.

The only way to effectively use the Wait List is to blank out all default preferences on both tabs which renders the option to add preferences useless!

  • Guest
  • Jun 9 2020
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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    • Guest commented
      November 23, 2020 19:29

      Hi Alison,

      It was a pleasure to speak with you last week, thank you for reaching out. I will try to explain further why we feel that Waitlist preferences should be individual user settings and not Global settings.

      When our admin staff are working their way through incoming referrals, they are entering them in the Wait List as Consults. For every single person they add to the Wait List, they have to first ensure they are on the Consult Information tab (if this is not the default setting), select the Consult Priority, the Consult Type and change the Consult Status to Waiting. If these were setting they could set for themselves, it would save them a minimum of 6-7 clicks per entry. They could set their default to open on the Consult Information tab, their Priority to Unassigned (or whatever they use most), Appt type could be set to Consult – Phone (the majority of new consults now), and the status could be set to Waiting. Instead, these values have to be selected on every single entry being added to the Wait List. It may not sound like much, but when we are entering 100 patients a day to the Wait List, that is 600-700 clicks per day that they have to make unnecessarily. Not only is this a time waster, it can lead to more errors.

      For our doctors, the same is also true. They would be able to set their default to the Surgical Information tab, have their Status set to Waiting, they could set their usual Location if they have one. Again, each entry would require about 6-7 fewer clicks. Multiply that by 6 doctors, 5-10 patients per day and we are again talking hundreds of clicks that could be saved. If they are reviewing new Consults that have been added to their Wait List, they could toggle their default to the Consult Information tab from the Surgical Tab.

      It follows from here that fewer clicks mean fewer errors. When booking an appointment, we often see that if the default tab gets changed between Surgical and Consult, people will often put the new status on the wrong tab. This creates more confusion as it doesn’t match the booking to the Wait List entry. If we have a patient on the Consult Wait List and the status is changed to booked on the Surgical tab in error, instead of matching the entries and removing a patient from the Consult Wait List, the entry turns green but remains on the Consult Wait List.

      Because the preferences are Global Settings, the best way to avoid errors is to leave all preferences blank – which completely defeats the purpose of being able to set preferences in the first place.

      If you would like to share a screen any time, I can show you exactly what I mean by all this. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.



    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      November 20, 2020 18:25


      We would like to get some more context for this submission.

      If you're able to share how this has been a pain point for you, and how a feature to address it would make a difference for your clinic, that would be appreciated.

      Your feedback helps us get to the root of problems, and ensures we focus on the right solutions.

      Thank you!