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ORRO - Free text in order field for requisition forms


Upon reviewing the Webinar for Outstanding requisition, Referral and orders.

I noticed that when all the forms are under the "Requisition Form" category within the encounter section in EMR - those are being sent to ORRO. When located the patient the column "Order" does not allow us to free text.

However, when entering the NEW ORDER manually by using the NEW ORDER at the bottom of ORRO, this allow me to free text the order

  • Judith Yous
  • Jul 13 2020
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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    • Judith Yous commented
      July 13, 2020 22:35

      Hi Lauren,

      Yes, I am aware that you can free text into Description, Specific and Location when entering manually. However, i'm using the above as a drop down menu. For example, Description has drown menu for chest patient and EDAP pt. Specific drop down menu is for f/u completed, mailed appt, notify by phone. Location drown down menu is the location of diagnostics.

      I am the only admin for a busy thoracic surgery, and we order CT chest scans on pt, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

      The description box column needs to be closer to the "type" column. The order column should be free text

    • Lauren Romano commented
      July 13, 2020 21:26

      While you can't free text into the Order field for Requisition Forms on the ORRO report, you can free text into the Description, Specific and Location fields if you need to manually enter a note.