QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

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QHR reserves the right to choose what is built into the application, and it is the intention of QHR to build the software to meet the needs of the marketplace.

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Summary of actions populate into Encounter Note

Previous EMR had the feature that any EMR related action would be auto populated into the encounter note. This would act as the "PLAN" section of the SOAP note. Including

  • Medications Prescribed/renewed

  • Forms used

    • lab reqs

    • custom forms

    • notes given

    • etc

  • History Bans Updates

    • Allergies

    • History of problems

    • injections

    • family Hx

    • etc.

  • Vitals

  • Referrals mades

  • Jason Owens
  • Aug 18 2020
  • Gathering Your Feedback
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    1 Oct, 2020 07:36pm


    Just to clarify the request, in several EMR's, anything that happens on the same day of service is automatically added to the encounter. If an encounter note is viewed, printed or faxed, anyone can see what was done on that day, not just medical history. Yes, we are aware that this information is available in other areas of Accuro, but when a note is faxed, the recipient does not have access to this information. As well, in the previous EMR, if anyone looked at the encounter - at a glance they could see exactly what was done. the only way to do this now is to manually go in and an entry.


    Ontario Lab Requisition printed

    Low sodium diet handout printed

    Flu shot

    Referral Request

  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    21 Aug, 2020 11:11pm

    Hi Jason,

    My apologies for any confusion; a number of submissions were merged together with the intention that the addition of a Refresh functionality would affect any inserted "tags" in a template. In the case of ACC-I-3020, the submitter is referencing "Medical History" as a whole, not "Medication History" specifically. All the same I have updated the wording of the original submission so that that is clear. Thank you for the offer to speak further on a phone call; when we are ready to explore either submission further I will absolutely reach out.

  • Jason Owens commented
    21 Aug, 2020 06:22pm

    Hi Alison

    This would be for more than just the medications. It would be for any update in the medical record that was related to the encounter note. Happy to discuss further on a phone conversation. Thank you,

  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    21 Aug, 2020 05:45pm

    Thank you for your feedback! There is a separate submission for adding a "Refresh" ability within Notes/Letters; you can vote/comment here: https://ideas.qhrtech.com/ideas/ACC-I-3020

  • Guest commented
    21 Aug, 2020 05:39pm

    I often complete requisitions, and updating the medication lists etc AFTER I have opened the encounter note. It would be ideal if one could refresh the encounter note afterwards to update the changes made.

    E.g. I'm often editing the medication list because as pt's are talking to me they mention that they stopped a medication etc. I input this on the side panel but then have to manually update the encounter note.