QHR Product Ideas

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It would be great to be able to sort in alphabetical order

  • Tara F
  • Sep 17 2020
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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    • Admin
      Jen Danchuk commented
      September 05, 2024 23:06

      Just released as part of build 2017.1013.3

      1. Click and Drag Items within Medical History Bands
        Users can now move items within a
        Medical History Band, including Custom Bands, for a patient by hovering over the item and then dragging the grip icon that appears. This will allow users to order the band to have the most important/relevant items at the top of the list for all bands.
        This custom arrangement of Medical History Band items will only apply to the specific patient and will only be visible for the user that makes the change. The custom order of items will appear when loading the
        Medical History in Generated Letters in addition to the Medical History display in the Quick Patient Actions window (Ctrl + F10). Please note, items in the Allergies sub-bands Drug Allergies, Drug Intolerances, etc. cannot be moved from one to another and items cannot be dragged into other bands or into the pinned problems in the History of Problems band.

    • Christine commented
      January 12, 2023 21:37

      Would love to be able to sort alphabetically the external medications

    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      September 18, 2020 20:58

      Hi Tara,

      It's in the Manage Prescription window when viewing or editing an existing prescription, on the Prescription tab.

    • Tara F commented
      September 18, 2020 17:47

      I'm not sure were to find the status history hour glass.

    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      September 18, 2020 17:29

      Hi Tara,

      It is not possible at this time to sort the Active Medication band in the Medical History alphabetically. It defaults to descending by date. Thank you for clarifying; I'll move your submission forward for voting.

      For your second question, it would probably be best to contact the Service Desk so that they can review your current workflow with you, but if you are adjusting the statuses of your prescriptions (e.g. Holding, Discontinuing) to reflect this, then you can view each prescription's Status History by opening the medication and clicking on the hourglass icon. The "Other" tab within the Manage Prescription window also records Change and Renew History.

      You can reach the Service Desk by calling 1-866-729-8889, or by emailing accuro@QHRtech.com. Thank you!

    • Tara F commented
      September 18, 2020 16:50

      Sorry i mean how do we sorta the active medication column.

      Is there also a way to show that a medication was reviewed, but not renewed

    • Tara F commented
      September 18, 2020 16:49

      How do we do the ACTIVE medication column?

    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      September 18, 2020 16:34


      To clarify, are you referring to being able to sort alphabetically in the Medical History? Otherwise it is possible to sort in the EMR > Medications tab alphabetically by the medication column.