QHR Product Ideas

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Adding the Family Physician in patient demographics in the documents Browser.

This makes it easier to see who to link documents to without having to flip back to the scheduler or patient's menu.

  • Guest
  • Oct 2 2020
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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  • Andrew Levstein commented
    October 19, 2020 23:15

    I'm not totally sure that I understand the question, but if the issue is you are having trouble determining who is supposed to review the document, If you click on the "Options" button in the Documents module (Between the File Document and Send to Provider buttons) there is an option to "Use patient office provider for default document provider". This will automatically switch the provider in the dropdown list to whoever is listed in the patient demographics as the Office Provider.


  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    October 07, 2020 19:09

    Thank you for the clarification. I'll move your submission forward for voting/feedback.

    As a workflow alternative, a patient's family physician can be added to the Patient Status Bar, which follows the user in all modules of the program. Adjusting it is a user preference.

      • Accuro Menu > File > User Preferences > Display > Display

      • In Demographics Status Bar lines 1 or 2, right-click and choose the relevant tag options from the Family Physician section of the menu

      • Click <Apply> > <OK> to save your changes

  • Guest commented
    October 07, 2020 18:06

    No, I am meaning when you are linking faxes and documents to the doctor- it only displays patient's name and healthcare number. It would be beneficial to have the family Dr added to that display as well so you are not having to flip back the the main screen as some documents do not say which doctor it is for or say the incorrect doctor. So you can link documents to the appropriate doctor. I have phoned accuro about this to see if they can add it, and they say they cannot at this time.

  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    October 05, 2020 19:25


    To clarify, you're meaning for the Family Physician's name to display in the Virtual Chart Previewer when viewing on document on a patient's chart?

    Thank you.