QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

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QHR reserves the right to choose what is built into the application, and it is the intention of QHR to build the software to meet the needs of the marketplace.

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Submission of Supporting documents via GoSecure portal

Please make submission of RAI, Manual Review and Supporting documents doable from Accuro software via GoSecure portal instead of using faxing. Faxing documents and forms to OHIP is easy but for OHIP to process those faxes and to file documents into patient files on their side take too long! By the time the supporting documentation is available to the adjudicator, the claim has been processed and rejected to Error Claims.

Currently I'm using GoSecure Portal for submitting supporting documents - a very lengthy process. OHIP then email me back a ticket# as recognition for receiving the documentation BUT how am I suppose to know which ticket# goes with which patient???? The ticket#'s in the emails are not in sequence since some documents take longer to upload on their side than other. Especially when you have 10x or more patients' supporting documentation to submit, you cannot sit and wait for each email to arrive before you submit the next patient's docs.

Accuro is currently connected with the GoSecure Portal for claim submissions and to receive back messages and error claims from OHIP - why can't the process of submitting supporting documentation and receiving Ticket#'s from OHIP as confirmation, not also work through that same connection????????

  • Chanie Henning
  • Nov 16 2020
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
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    • Guest commented
      February 08, 2021 13:32

      Yes please!!! OHIP encourages use of their GoSecure portal for submission of RAI, MR and Supporting Documents, but it is so cumbersome to do outside of Accuro. They also promise shorter turnaround time on inquiries if this method is used. It would be hugely helpful to be able to do this from within Accuro.