QHR Product Ideas

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Customize Waitlist History in Quick Patient Appointment View (F4)

The ability to change the order of waitlist entries under the waitlist history tab in F4 for patients so newest is at the top.

This would help the MOAs and physicians who need to update or view the most recent entry without having to scroll all the way to the bottom. A bonus would be to change the colour of completed entries so there is a visual for this as well.

  • Guest
  • Feb 9 2021
  • Gathering Your Feedback
  • Feb 17, 2021

    Admin response

    The Waitlist view can be sorted by whichever column you like. If the view is showing newest at the bottom, ensure the column for Requested (this is the request date, typically the date a patient is added to the Waitlist) is visible and click onto that column heading to sort chronologically. Click again if it is in reverse chronological order to sort again.

    The colours of Waitlist requests do change based on status. If you change the Status of the request to complete, it should be a different colour.

    You can also created views that exclude completed entries so you are only looking at the patients who need to be scheduled.

    It sounds like you might benefit from training on the Waitlist, or walking through some of these questions with one of our Client Services Analysts. Please contact us at 1-866-729-8889

    We also had a webinar on the Waitlist in May 2020, if you'd like to watch the recording we can give you access through Accuro Learning Academy, our eLearning site.

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    • Tara F commented
      March 11, 2021 21:59

      I completely agree. It's frustrating to have to scroll all the time.

    • Lauren Romano commented
      February 22, 2021 22:59

      Thanks for the clarification. I have reopened this Idea for gathering feedback.

    • Guest commented
      February 17, 2021 16:05

      I should clarify, I don't mean theactual waitlist button. I mean when you click F4 on a patient and then the waitlist tab there. None of that is customizable or anything. That is where I would like to see the option to change the order and colouring of this. On specific patients as they can have multiple entries after being seen for many years. I am very well versed in the regular waitlist regarding the legend, creating views and customizing from there, thank you.