QHR Product Ideas

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Prescription renewals should alert change of pharmacy if demographic pharmacy different from last Rx.

Currently, when renewing prescriptions, it only uses the previous pharmacy.

If a patient has changed their pharmacy, there is nothing to indicate to the doctor regarding this change unless they are looking for it. And if it is missed, it changes the pharmacy in the patient demographics section back to the old one (which they arent using anymore!!!!)

An alert at minimum would be nice, to let the doctor know that the pharmacy on the patients file is different from the one they are potentially using for the renewal.

At best, an alert (like above) but also with a button asking "Would you like to update this prescription to the pharmacy on file"? would be even better.

  • Laura G
  • Aug 13 2021
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • Pamela Sharp commented
    09 Apr 15:55

    QHR please help with this issue ASAP. This is still happening and resulting in prescriptions being sent to the wrong pharmacies.