QHR Product Ideas

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Allow pt's to update medical history bands via remote portal

As a consultant I spend half of my time obtaining past medical history, medications, allergies, social and family history. If one could allow a pt to remotely enter in details of their medical history and have it update the medical history bands this would save so much time. (Ultimate control of what is added is at the discretion of the physician and pts would NOT be allowed to delete or see what is already inputted. A way to identify what the pt entered (eg red font) and then the physician has to verify/accept before it becomes part of pt chart, maybe also limited time in which pt can enter the information). Perhaps, this could be presented to the pt as an online questionnaire with drop down options (customized by the physician/clinic). The clinic could customize which fields they will allow pt to add to. A field for pt's to input current medications would be essential (so many forget their lists or aren't taking those written in the referral).

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  • Aug 17 2021
  • Needs Review
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