QHR Product Ideas

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Add Referring Provider Column to Appointment View (F4)

To expedite the process of billing it would be significantly beneficial if while in the Quick Patient Appointments View (F4) there was a column that displays the Referring Provider.

When repeatedly billing a patient for one provider, where a Referring Provider is required by MHSC the need to click into claim details to gather this information is time consuming, especially when billing 100s a claims a day.

  • Renee Kunka
  • Dec 9 2021
  • Needs Review
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    • Ariana Frederick commented
      May 01, 2023 22:40

      I agree! We have several different providers in the same system, and patients are seen on-call and in different elective practices, so the referring Dr is not always the same as in the demographics (viewed at the top of the screen and auto-populated into the new bill). To bill a f/u, I have to go back through my previous bills for the patient to see who was the referring dr. It would be much easier if it was one of the options in the billing history (viewed either with F4 or in the lower panel of your new bill).

    • Renee Kunka commented
      October 21, 2022 17:21

      Thanks for the suggestion Andrew, but for our instance of Accuro that will not work. We schedule and bill for 11 different specialties so the referring provider is not consistent for all the patients visits.

    • Andrew Levstein commented
      December 10, 2021 00:37

      I'd recommend adding the referring provider to the Global Patient bar at the top of the screen. This way it will be visible at all times, from all screens.

      User Preferences > Display > Display > Demographics Status Bar