QHR Product Ideas

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How to change order of history of problems and treatment history

At present the history of problems and treatment history is organised chronologically with the most recent problem or treatment listed first. I would appreciate it if you could please provide a solution where the provider can organise the history of problems and the treatment history so that the oldest problem and oldest treatment appears first on the list.

I also think that the provided should be able to change the order for other components of the clinical history.

The order of problems, treatment, response to therapy, as currently displayed makes it much harder for the reader of the clinic letters that are generated with Accuro to be understood.

It makes more sense to read a history as follows:

History of Problems

Jan 1, 2020- Presented with pT3N0 PTC

Jan 1, 2021- Recurrent PTC in the left lateral neck was diagnosed

Treatment History

Jan 1, 2020- Total thyroidectomy

Jan 1, 2021- Left lateral neck dissection

As opposed to:

History of Problems

Jan 1, 2021- Recurrent PTC in the left lateral neck was diagnosed

Jan 1, 2020- Presented with pT3N0 PTC

Treatment History

Jan 1, 2021- Left lateral neck dissection

Jan 1, 2020- Total thyroidectomy

Thanks for your consideration

  • Guest
  • Apr 27 2022
  • Needs Review
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