QHR Product Ideas

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Display Name

We need to have a section in the patient registration where we can put in the name the Patient uses daily.

There are enough patients who do not use their first name, have nick names like Bill for William or patients who have assumed an English name for day-to-day use.

I myself use my middle name and when medical professionals call for my first name, it doesn't always click that they're addressing me.

The alias function only works for searching a patient while cluttering up the search results by having both options possibly show up. Additionally, if someone goes by their middle name, labels look ridiculous.

EX: Ben Johnny Test likes to be called Johnny.

Labels print out as Ben (Johnny) Johnny Test.

And while you CAN search patients by their middle name, that doesn't fix the issue of appointments which will still display as Test, Ben (Johnny). And Ben is still the first name you see if you're looking at the patient's information at the top of the screen or at their appointment.

I'm just saying, that for appointments and the info at the top right of the screen, having a display name of sorts would be incredibly useful.

Labels could still print out using Test, Ben and appear as such on forms. It's just a quality of life addition that would make the providers/staff's lives easier as well as patients who do not go by their first name.

  • Guest
  • Apr 22 2023
  • Needs Review
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