QHR Product Ideas

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push the medical history band info into the active note

Would like to be able to actively push newly entered information from the medical history vents into an active note, without having to copy paste. I would like these entries to be pushed into the heading so that populate my template I would like to also be able to open different documents, while actively entering into medical history bands. I find it frustrating when I need to finish entering information into a band (eg MRI result, but then they need to change the page for the rest of the info, requiring me to close my band, change the view, reopen my entry and then finish)

  • Guest
  • Nov 29 2023
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 29, 2023 15:21

    Also i would like to have the opposite function where my consult can push things into the bands.