I am waiting to sign up with an EMR which has SELF CHECK-IN so pts can check themselves in without need for a secretary. This feature would need to make mandatory a patient's entry of: Pharmacy, Family Doctor, and a picture of the visit reason when a SKIN(includes Hair & Nails) problem ( in other words, whenever the problem is visible and it would to instruct the patient that the picture MUST be DATED. Edit icon on each page is necessary. A summary of entries asking patient to confirm their entries are accurate is necessary.
All Doctors would benefit from it.
My experience with secretary check-ins is that I frequently faced discovering their errors with what they were manually entering, such as: patient first name, last name, age, sex, HeALTH CARD first and last name, health card # including VERSION Code & EXPIRY DATE MISSING! Where the pt does not have an Ohip card, or there is an UNimsured service being requested, a field to enter CREDIT CARD info is necessary.
Help us avoid use of secretaries for Check-in!!! We need an error proof way of capturing patient's demographic+ Ohip card + Pharmacy info ACCURATELY!
These pieces of info MUST BE 100% ACCURATE!
The most sensible way is to have the patient enter, review and confirm it
We need quicker ways to reduce wait times for booking self into a time slot range, regardless if 'First Come-First Served'/ Walk-in/ Rapid Access clinic OR appointment style. It must allow self check-in for SAME DAY service.
Picture yourself as the patient. You want to go online and check yourself in on your smartphone, laptop or home computer to be seen at a walk-in clinic A.S.A.P and you want to avoid revealing your personal info out loud in a waiting room or while secretary is away from the desk or in case there is a line up at desk to get checked-in. This feature should allow a patient to have the option of selecting 'in-person' vs 'Virtual'( must specify 'Video' visit )